About the Tolland Estate Renewal

The original Tolland Estate was developed and built between the 1970s and 1990s.

There are almost 1,200 social housing dwellings located within the Wagga Wagga Local Government Area, around 800 of which are concentrated in four suburbs or estates such as Tolland. The remaining 400 dwellings are scattered across the Local Government Area, mainly in older established areas of Wagga Wagga.

Renewing the Tolland Estate, as well as replacing older houses with more and better social housing across the Local Government Area, is the long-term objective of Homes NSW.

The Tolland Renewal Project seeks to deliver a mix of new social, affordable and private housing fit for the needs of residents, improved green spaces such as parks and outdoor communal areas, increased road connectivity and pathways, and increased recognition of Tolland’s First Nations history.

Tolland Renewal Masterplan Components

Who should I speak to if I have questions?

The Tolland Renewal Project is a collaborative project between several different organisations. These organisations each have specific areas of expertise. To ensure your question is answered as efficiently and accurately as possible, please refer to the table below.

If you can’t find your question below, please call Wagga Wagga City Council on 1300 292 442, who will be able to assist you in identifying the appropriate agency to contact.

QuestionAgency Contact Details
  • Information on planning elements
  • Information on the purpose of the Masterplan
  • How to make a submission

Wagga Wagga City Council

Phone: 1300 292 442

Email: council@wagga.nsw.gov.au

  • Information on buy-back schemes
  • Information on re-housing existing residents
  • Information on the impact to existing social, affordable and private residents
  • Information on design elements of the masterplans

Homes NSW

Phone: 1800 738 718

Email: communityengagement@dcj.nsw.gov.au

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