The Tolland Concept Masterplan was reported to the 27 May 2024 Council Meeting.

Council endorsed adopting the finalised Tolland Concept Masterplan at this meeting.

What happened after public exhibition closed?

Council and Homes NSW reviewed the submissions lodged as part of the public exhibition period. As a result of the public exhibition and the submissions, Homes NSW have made the following updates to the Concept Masterplan:

  • addition of a 2.5m footpath connection to South City Shopping Centre and the Tolland Shops.
  • addition of a 2.5m Glenfield Road active travel link from the site to Fernleigh Road (both identified on Active Travel Plan).
  • addition of a note to the bus route plan specifying "existing bus route and stops are to be maintained. Additional active travel links are provided to existing bus stops. Investigations for an additional bus stop adjacent to the central park to be confirmed".
  • amendment to all plans to reflect the exclusion of the Council-owned land on the northern side of Maher St.
  • addition of blister islands to the new western road, and creation of a pinch point on Raye St and Bruce St where the wombat crossings are located.

The Concept Masterplan identifies the following key features:

  • introduction of a new public open space spine, from south-west to north-east, connecting to the existing Chambers Park and drainage corridor above Bruce Street.
  • encouragement of medium-density development adjacent to the existing and proposed open space, as well as in key interfaces.
  • creation of enhanced road connections, through the removal of several existing cul-de-sacs and delivery of through-streets.

Submissions for the draft Tolland Concept Masterplan are now closed.

Council placed the draft Tolland Concept Masterplan on public exhibition for a period of 42 days from 11 September to 24 October 2023. The community was invited to make submissions during this time via the online portal. Community drop-in BBQs were held by Homes NSW and Council to provide the community with the opportunity to ask questions in person.

What will happen next?

  • Council will collate and review the submissions received.
  • Council will work with Homes NSW to identify potential updates to the draft Masterplan, based on the submissions received.
  • Once finalised, the Masterplan will be reported to Council – all submitters will be notified of the relevant Council Meeting date.