
Submissions for the draft Tolland Concept Masterplan are now closed.

25 October 2023

Submissions for the draft Tolland Concept Masterplan are now closed.

Council placed the draft Tolland Concept Masterplan on public exhibition for a period of 42 days from 11 September to 24 October 2023. The community was invited to make submissions during this time via the online portal. Community drop-in BBQs were held by LAHC and Council to provide the community with the opportunity to ask questions in-person.

What will happen next?

  • Council will collate and review the submissions received.
  • Council will work with LAHC to identify potential updates to the draft Masterplan, based on the submissions received.
  • Once finalised, the Masterplan will be reported to Council – all submitters will be notified of the relevant Council Meeting date.

Any questions relating to the draft Tolland Renewal Masterplan may be referred to Chloe Boyd on 1300 292 442 or NSW Land and Housing Corporation on 1800 738 718.