
There are over 2,400km of sealed and unsealed roads in the Wagga Wagga Local Government Area maintained by Wagga Wagga City Council. Maintenance is carried out to prolong the life of the road and to decrease the speed of deterioration. Repairs are prioritised based on the urgency and risk to road users.

The types of work undertaken on roads includes: resealing, grading (unsealed), kerb and gutter, flood damage restoration, road rehabilitation, asphalt works, re-sheeting and final seals.

Notification of roadworks

Letters will be sent to residents, businesses and organisations ahead of roadworks taking place in their street or neighbourhood. VMS (Variable Mobile Signage) boards will appear one week before disruptive works start (for road closures and lane closures).

While every effort is made to inform all stakeholders of impending works, it is not always possible to notify every stakeholder of the disruptions. Given the nature of the type of work required, the timing of roadworks constantly changes due to external factors including poor weather conditions (i.e. rain, thunderstorms), and site constraints. We thank the public for their patience in the case of delays to works being undertaken.

Current and upcoming roadworks

Below is a list of current and upcoming roadworks occurring in the Wagga Wagga Local Government Area. This listing is updated regularly, please check back for updates.

Wagga Wagga CBD

Road / Street Description of Works Status
Ivan Jack Dr - between Morrow St and Johnston St Bridge and road rehabilitation. In progress: Started 10 February 2025


Road / Street

Description of Works


Tobruk St - Fernleigh Rd to Ashmont Ave

Pavement rehabilitation

with AC (asphalt) wearing course

In progress: Stabilisation completed, AC wearing
course pending


Road / Street Description of Works Status
Merino Rd - Byrnes Rd to Dorset Dr Pavement rehabilitation
with AC (asphalt) wearing course
In progress: Stabilisation completed,
AC wearing course pending

Boorooma / Estella

Road / Street

Description of Works


Boorooma St – section between off-ramp (Olympic Highway end) and Gardiner St

(North Wagga)

Pavement rehabilitation with 2 coat seal wearing course

Complete. Line marking to come.

Cootamundra Boulevard -

Pine Gully Rd to Paradise Dr

Pavement rehabilitation with AC (asphalt) wearing courseIn progress: Stabilisation completed, AC wearing
course pending

Glenfield Park

Road / Street

Description of Works


Undurra Dr - Undurra Dr to Bandera Ave

Pavement rehabilitation

with AC (asphalt) wearing course

In progress: Stabilisation completed, AC wearing
course pending


Road / Street

Description of Works


Ziegler Ave – between Coolibah and Berala St

Pavement rehabilitation

with AC (asphalt) and 2 coat seal wearing course


Fay Ave - Kooringal Rd to Fairbairn Cres Pavement rehabilitation with AC (asphalt) wearing course In progress: Stabilisation
completed, AC wearing course pending

Lake Albert

Road / Street

Description of Works


Gregadoo Road - between Tallowood
Cres and Redbank Rd

Pavement rehabilitation with 2 coat seal wearing course

Complete. Line marking to come.

Bakers Lane - multiple sections between Dandaloo Rd and Matilda Cres Pavement rehabilitation with 2 coat seal wearing course Complete. Line marking to come.

East Wagga Wagga

Road / Street

Description of Works


Eunony Bridge Rd – section approx.
700m from Sturt Highway end
Pavement rehabilitation
with 2 coat seal wearing course
Complete. Line marking to come.

North Wagga

Road / Street

Description of Works


Oura Rd - multiple sections between

Stapylton Pl and Lot No. 81 Oura Rd

Pavement rehabilitation with

2 coat seal wearing course

Complete. Line marking to come.

Hampden Ave - Wiradjuri Bridge
to Parkan Pregan Bridge
Pavement rehabilitation with AC (asphalt) wearing courseIn progress: Stabilisation

completed, AC wearing
course pending

West Wagga Wagga

Road / Street

Description of Works


Saxon Street (full length)

Pavement rehabilitation with AC (asphalt) wearing course

In progress: Stabilisation
completed, AC wearing course pending

Rural Roads

Road / Street

Description of Works


Arajoel Rd - 100m section located 5km from Sturt Highway

Pavement rehabilitation with 2 coat seal wearing course

In progress: Stabilisation
completed, AC wearing course pending

Future works - dates to be finalised

Road / Street

Description of Works


Trail StreetRoad reconstruction with full-depth asphaltTo be confirmed
Tompson StRoad reconstruction with full-depth asphaltTo be confirmed
Redhill Rd / Missouri Avenue
Road reconstruction with full-depth asphaltTo be confirmed
Lake Albert Rd / Railway IntersectionRoad reconstruction with full-depth asphaltTo be confirmed
Edison Rd / Bakers Lane IntersectionRoad reconstruction with full-depth asphaltTo be confirmed
Edison Rd / Dangar Pl IntersectionRoad reconstruction with full-depth asphaltTo be confirmed

Recently completed works


Works completed

Best St/ Forsyth St roundabout

Road reconstruction with full-depth asphalt.

Best St/ Morgan St roundabout

Road reconstruction with full-depth asphalt.

Best St/ Tompson St roundabout

Road reconstruction with full-depth asphalt.

Church St - full length

Road rehabilitation with new asphalt
wearing course.

Cross Street - full length

Road rehabilitation with new asphalt
wearing course.

Johnston St Tarcutta St to Church St

Road rehabilitation with new asphalt
wearing course.

Travers St/ Trail St intersection

Road reconstruction with full-depth asphalt

Travers St/ Fitzmaurice St intersection

Road reconstruction with full-depth asphalt.

Reddoc Drive

Road rehabilitation with new sprayed seal

Forsyth Street – between Baylis Street and Berry Street

Road reconstruction with full-depth asphalt with potential for additional stabilisation.

Berry Street – between Morgan St and Forsyth St

Road reconstruction with full-depth asphalt with potential for additional stabilisation.

Morgan Street – between Blake St and Tarcutta St

Road reconstruction with full-depth asphalt.

Morgan St – between Docker St and Murray St

Road reconstruction with full-depth asphalt.

Arnott St - full length

Road rehabilitation with new sprayed seal.


Pinaroo Dr/Fernleigh Rd intersection

Road reconstruction with full-depth asphalt.


Information to come

Boorooma St - from Farrer Rd to Avocet Dr
Road rehabilitation with new sprayed seal.Completed

Road / Street

Description of Works


Redhill/ Berembee Road

Road reconstruction with full-depth asphalt


Dobney AvenueRoad reconstruction with full-depth asphalt.Completed


Work completed

Bakers Lane - 300m stretch south from Hammond Ave

Road rehabilitation with new sprayed seal and removal of current median.

Nesbitt St - full length

Road rehabilitation with new sprayed seal

Norton St – full length

Road rehabilitation with new sprayed seal

Graham Ave / Gumly Rd intersection

Pavement rehabilitation with 2 coat seal
wearing course


Work completed

Glenfield Rd/Fernleigh Rd roundabout

Road reconstruction with full-depth asphalt


Work completed

Gregadoo Rd - 200m east of Plumpton Rd to 200m east of Plunkett Dr

Road reconstruction with new sprayed seal.

Road / Street

Description of Works



Road reconstruction with full-depth asphalt


Holbrook and
Featherwood intersection

Road reconstruction with full-depth asphalt


Holbrook and
Clifton intersection

Road reconstruction with full-depth asphalt



Works completed

Kooringal Rd – 200m stretch south of Simkin Cres

Road reconstruction with full-depth asphalt.

Kooringal Rd - Fay Ave to Vincent Rd

Road reconstruction with full-depth asphalt.

Kooringal Rd – Hammond Ave to just north of Marshalls Creek Bridge

Road reconstruction with full-depth asphalt.

Copland St – from Kooringal Rd to Blaxland Rd

Road rehabilitation with new sprayed seal.

Copland St – from Lake Albert Rd to Tumbarumba Branch line level crossing

Road rehabilitation with partial new sprayed seal and partial new asphalt wearing course.

Kooringal Rd – between Plumpton Rd and Lake Albert Rd

Road rehabilitation with new asphalt wearing course.

Copland St/ Kooringal Rd roundabout

Road reconstruction with full-depth asphalt.

Kooringal Rd/Lake Albert Rd roundabout

Road reconstruction with full-depth asphalt.

Ziegler Ave - Stanley St to north of Berala St

Road rehabilitation with new sprayed seal

Road / Street

Description of Works


Main St (Lake Albert) - from Lake St
south to bridge over Crooked Creek

Road rehabilitation with new sprayed seal.


Balmoral Crescent

Road reconstruction with full-depth asphalt


Kyeamba Ave - east from Vincent Rd

Pavement rehabilitation with 2 coat seal wearing course


Vincent Road - between Brunskill Rd and Maple Rd

Pavement rehabilitation with 2 coat seal wearing course


Main Street - between Lake St and Ontario Dr

Pavement rehabilitation with 2 coat seal wearing course


Road / Street

Description of Works


Raye Street

Road rehabilitation with new sprayed seal.


Miller Ave

Road rehabilitation with new sprayed seal.


Road / Street

Description of Works


Road / Street

Description of Works

Byrnes Rd – 1.3km from Trahairs Rd heading south

Road rehabilitation with new sprayed seal

Keajura Rd – 2.6km stretch leading on to the Hume Highway south of Tarcutta

Road rehabilitation with new sprayed seal

McNickle Rd – 120m stretch starting from Sturt Hwy

Road rehabilitation with new sprayed seal

O’Briens Creek Rd – 1.2km

Road rehabilitation with new sprayed seal

Oxley Bridge Rd – multiple heavy patches

Road rehabilitation with new sprayed seal

Shepherds Siding Rd - near Thomson Lane

Pavement rehabilitation with 2 coat seal wearing course

Paper Forest Rd – sections between Holbrook Rd and Emu Plains Rd.

Pavement rehabilitation with 2 coat seal wearing course

Burrandana Rd – 130m section 3km from Holbrook Road (Westby Road) turnoff onto Burrandana Road

Pavement rehabilitation with 2 coat seal wearing course

Weir Rd – 180m section near Sturt Highway end.

Pavement rehabilitation with 2 coat seal wearing course

Wokolena Rd –100m section near Sturt Highway end.

Pavement rehabilitation with 2 coat seal wearing course

Roads Works Program Updates