
Surveying and Service Location works progress on Plumpton Road Project

21 October 2024

The Plumpton Road Project is moving ahead effectively and as scheduled, with Service Location and Survey works continuing in the area in preparation for the next phase of works.

How will these works affect me?

For both sets of works, residents can expect minor disruptions and Stop / Go traffic control measures to be in place while buried assets are located and the area surveyed.

Access to the footpath may also be disrupted to allow works to be carried out.

Residents may also notice white PVC caps within the Plumpton Road reserve, which are in place for our ongoing service investigations (see image below).

The access these capped spaces provide is essential in helping us to build a comprehensive model of the service assets buried in the corridor. This data not only makes the planning and design phase of the project more informed and effective, but also provides key information that ensures as few of these services experience disruption as possible over the lifetime of the projects.

We ask that residents and visitors be mindful of these caps when walking in the area, taking care to avoid disturbing them. If you should come across any that are damaged or disturbed, please contact Council as soon as possible via or 1300 292 442.

When are the service location and surveying works expected to be complete?

Overall, both Service Location and Surveying works are expected to be completed by the end of November 2024, weather and contractor availability permitting.

What is the next stage of works?

Looking ahead, traffic count works and surveys are also planned for the area and are scheduled to commence the week beginning 4 November 2024.

This aspect of the Plumpton Road Project will involve cameras - which do not capture any personal or driver data - mounted at key intersections along Plumpton Road for one or two days.

How will these traffic counts and surveys affect me?

These traffic count and survey measures will not affect drivers or their driving experience.

The purpose of these counts is simply to assist in providing information about the types and volume of vehicles using the road within the project area. This information is critical in ensuring the constructed road treatments are efficient and fit-for-purpose in handling traffic now and into the future.

Drivers may rest assured that these cameras carry no regulatory functions and are only in use for the data collection purposes outlined above.

An image of two plastic pipe caps protruding out of the ground.

A sample image of the PVC pipe caps residents and visitors to the Plumpton Road area may see during the construction period for this project.