
The Northern Growth Area continues to flourish, and additional infrastructure is required to support the area.

To ensure this infrastructure can be funded, Council proposes to amend the:

  • Development Servicing Plan (DSP) Stormwater for Estella, Boorooma, Gobbagomblin and River Road,
  • DSP Sewer for River Road, and
  • Wagga Wagga Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan 2019 – 2034 (LICP) for open space and transport infrastructure in River Road.

These changes were on public exhibition during November 2022.

Feedback is currently being reviewed and will be reported to Council in early 2022.

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Belinda Maclure

Contributions Coordinator Wagga Wagga City Council

Phone1300 292 442

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The Submission - Northern Growth Area Infrastructure Contributions survey has now concluded