Have Your Say: the planning application for Temporary Camping Grounds and Caravan is open for submissions until 31 July.

Council is seeking feedback from the community on a proposed planning application for the temporary use of several recreational sites in Wagga Wagga as camping grounds when the City host major events.

This "blanket" Development Application would aim to provide accommodation options for visitors attending major events by designating specific sites for temporary camping. Temporary structures such as toilet and shower amenities, generators, and food stalls would be installed and removed after each event.

The possible sites are the Wagga Exhibition Centre (Equex), Wiradjuri Oval, Riverside: Wagga Beach, and Wagga Cricket Ground. These sites have been chosen due to their locations and the existing infrastructure onsite.

This model has been used in other Regional Cities successfully when major events require more accommodation for visitors than what is available.

The primary purpose of this proposal is to accommodate visitors during significant events like the NSW Touch Association Junior State Cup Southern Conference carnival, the Academy Games, and Gears and Beers Festival. These events often attract more attendees than the city's existing tourist accommodations can handle, necessitating this temporary solution to relieve the pressure on local hospitality services.

This proposal addresses the overflow of visitors during major events due to the current housing and accommodation shortage.

It is not intended to replace existing accommodation but only to serve as a contingency plan that can be implemented when traditional lodging options become fully booked. It is anticipated that this would occur only once or twice per year.

Our goal is to ensure visitors to Wagga Wagga have a place to stay during peak event times, supporting the local economy and enhancing the overall experience for attendees.

Detailed information can be found in the linked Statement of Environmental Effects.

Open for Submissions