
This policy provides a framework for the installation of all plaques to be installed in the Wagga Wagga Local Government Area, be this in or on buildings, on the pavement, in parks and gardens or on furniture. All plaques installed in the City on Council property need to conform to this policy.

Changes to the policy have been prompted by a petition received by Council, dated 23 October 2023, from 62 signatories. The petition was seeking the introduction of a Council Policy which would provide for the removal of naming plaques and / or signage recognising a person or persons in circumstances where such a person or persons have subsequently fallen from grace through inappropriate or unacceptable actions or behaviours.

Changes to the policy

To allow Council to remove a plaque it is proposed that the Plaques Policy is amended with the addition of a clause that states:

“Council reserves the right to remove any plaque at its discretion”.

If the revised policy were to be adopted, Council would then have a policy base for the removal of any plaque, name or signage if it is identified and resolved by Council that the person is no longer worthy of the recognition.

View the reviewed policy here: