Open for Submissions

Council is seeking submissions from the public for a new name for an oval in the Bolton Park sporting precinct.

At its Ordinary Meeting on 27 May, Council endorsed renaming the Michael Slater Oval under its Parks Naming Policy (POL 055).

The Parks Naming Policy provides a mechanism for the appropriate naming of open space areas within the Wagga Wagga Local Government Area.

Residents and stakeholder interested in making a submission are encouraged to read the Policy to understand the guidelines which apply to the name process and the supporting documentation required.

Submissions will be open for 28 days from Friday 7 June to Thursday 4 July.

Renaming Tips

Generally, the most acceptable names should be readily recognised by the community.

You can find more details about the guidelines in the Parks Naming Policy (POL 055) in the Document Library on this page.

It will help Council decide if a proposed name is suitable if it is supported with documentation such as:

  • newspaper articles
  • certificates and awards
  • newsletters
  • government reports.