
Did you know there are more than 90 Council playgrounds in our suburbs and surrounding rural villages across the Wagga Wagga LGA?

They offer a range of different play opportunities for younger and older children, from local and suburban playgrounds to three regional level play spaces - Riverside Playground, Livvi’s Place at Bolton Park, the Adventure Playground at the Botanic Gardens, and Apex Park at Lake Albert.

Every time Council upgrades a playground we need the help of the kids that use them to make sure that the final design generates the most Fun Per Kid (FPK).

For more information, or to view the plans in detail, please contact John Conlan on 1300 292 442 or email playgrounds@wagga.nsw.gov.au

Visit our Playgrounds page on our website to see the locations of all the playgrounds in the Wagga Wagga LGA.

Community Consultation

Wagga Wagga City Council is planning new playgrounds for Ken Schultz Park in Mount Austin, Ray Beddoe Park in Lake Albert and Lloyd Park in Lloyd, and is asking the community to vote for their favourite design.

We need your help in deciding which design is best for your neighbourhood. There are three different playground designs for each location for residents to choose from, with voting now open.

Playground designs encourage play between younger and older children and incorporate exciting features that will add extra appeal to the neighbourhood.

Voting will be up until 5pm, Friday 27 September 2024.

Current playground consultations

Click on the following links to be taken to the options and voting for Ken Schultz Park in Mount Austin, Ray Beddoe Park in Lake Albert and Lloyd Park in Lloyd. Please note: your name and email address will be required for you to vote. This is to ensure the outcome of the playground options voting process reflects what local residents would like to see installed their neighbourhood.