
The upgrade of Lord Baden Powell Drive on the western face of Willans Hill is now complete.

The upgrade was designed to improve access to the Museum of the Riverina, Kurrajong Industries and Wagga Steam and Vintage Engine Museum, and delivered as part of the Botanic Gardens Precinct Renewal project.

Pedestrians in the precinct will now find it easier and safer to cross Lord Baden Powell Drive from the Botanic Gardens to the Museum of the Riverina and other businesses along that side of the road.

The upgrade also delivers a safer driving experience for motorists using the Museum of the Riverina access road, in addition to those vehicles entering/exiting Kurrajong, and those already travelling on Lord Baden Powell Drive.

The upgrade includes:

  • Installation of two refuge crossings to increase the safety of pedestrians crossing the road between the Museum of the Riverina and the Botanic Gardens;
  • Approved vegetation clearance and landscaping designed to ensure maximum possible line of sight for vehicles approaching the refuge islands, and for pedestrians in regard to approaching vehicles;
  • A reshaped intersection between Lord Baden Powell Drive and the Museum of the Riverina access lane, to improve the safety and traffic flow for vehicles in the space;
  • A new entrance to Kurrajong; and
  • Reconstruction of road pavement and surface.


This project was funded by the Australian Government, NSW Government and Wagga Wagga City Council.

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