
At its Ordinary Meeting on Monday 29 January, Council resolved to accept a grant of $450,000 from the Regional Drought Resilience Planning program which is co-funded by the NSW Government and the Australian Government’s Future Drought Fund.

The fund supports identified regions in NSW to develop their own Regional Drought Resilience Plans that can be implemented by councils and their communities to manage future risks.

Wagga Wagga City Council and Lockhart Shire Council have worked together to develop the draft Regional Drought Resilience Plan.

The plan does not replace existing drought programs that focus on farm preparedness, water, and feed for livestock or economic assistance. Instead, it supports long-term resilience-building strategies for the region.

The Regional Drought Resilience Planning program is administered by the NSW Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD)

Community consultation

Community and stakeholder engagement played a key role in shaping the plan. Public drop-in sessions were held in August 2024, followed by a four-week online survey in September/October 2024 to allow residents from Lockhart Shire Council and Wagga Wagga City Council to provide their feedback. A total 79 submissions were received.

Key stakeholders include farmers and businesses, social support service providers, education and training providers, local health and social services providers, representatives from manufacturing, transport, and construction sectors, State and Federal government agencies, Southern NSW Drought Resilience Adoption and Innovation Hub (CSU) and Rural Financial Counselling Services

The draft plan has also undergone an independent review by CSIRO via the DPIRD with feedback incorporated.

Draft plan on public exhibition

At its Ordinary Meeting on Monday 24 February 2025 Council endorsed for the draft plan to go on public exhibition to allow for feedback from the community.

Two draft documents have been developed:

  • A 100-page technical draft Wagga and Lockhart Regional Drought Resilience Plan
  • An 82-page draft booklet summarising the Wagga and Lockhart Regional Drought Resilience Plan.

These documents are now available for community review and feedback. Following the public exhibition period, Council will consider submissions before finalising the plan. Once adopted, the plan must be approved by DPIRD, the Minister for Regional NSW, and the Federal Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry. Approval will unlock the remaining $250,000 in funding for implementation.

We encourage residents, businesses, and stakeholders to review the plan and provide feedback. Submissions can be made online, and Council will also host community engagement sessions to ensure everyone has an opportunity to contribute.

View the draft documents and make a submission below. Submissions close Tuesday 25 March 2025.