Under Review
Council placed the DRAFT – Playground Strategy 2023-2043 on public exhibition for a period of 28 days from 9 November to 7 December 2023 and invite public submissions until 7 December 2023 on the draft document.
The submissions are now under review.
About the Plan
Council adopted a playground strategy in 2016. A revised draft playground strategy has now been developed to inform the community and guide all aspects of Council’s playground management. Over the next 20 years, it aims to provide a balance between providing quality play spaces that provide adequate stimulation for children, and the number of spaces that can be financially supported by Council.
The draft playground strategy has been developed to inform the community and guide all aspects of Council’s playground management. The primary purpose of the strategy is to:
- Reflect the community’s expectations through consultations and documenting the feedback received
- Ensure the community has access to quality playgrounds for the next 20 years by applying best practice asset management principles.
- Ensure the future financial sustainability of the playground network.
The strategy also provides guidelines on the maintenance and management of playgrounds.
Recommendations identified in the strategy
- Recommendation 1: That the renewal budget of a playground is increased to allow for accessibility improvements at all playgrounds as they are renewed.
- Recommendation 2: That Council increase the annual playground maintenance budget from $106,954 to $176,000, an increase of $69,646 to ensure the compliance with Australian maintenance standards.
- Recommendation 3: That Council increase the annual playground maintenance budget by $1,500 (local minor and major), $4,000 (suburban) and $8,000 (regional) each time a new playground is added to the network.
- Recommendation 4: That Council aims to have at least 40% of the playground area shaded at all local major, suburban and regional playgrounds.
- Recommendation 5: That Council install shade sails at local, major, suburban and regional playgrounds that do not meet the 40% shade benchmark.
- Recommendation 6: That Council install two shade sails per year at playgrounds for the next five (5) financial years.
- Recommendation 7: That Council install shade sails at all new local, major, suburban and regional playgrounds.
- Recommendation 8: It is recommended that at least one playground in every suburb and village has shade sails over playground equipment.
- Recommendation 9: That Council plants at least four advanced deciduous trees to the eastern and western side of each playground.
- Recommendation 10: That Council identifies future budgets for the newly developed Riverside playground to cater for the replacement of key components, such as rubber softfall and climbing nets.
- Recommendation 11: That Council does not use raised edging when constructing new playgrounds to ensure accessibility, and instead install a concrete path edge or similar as required.
- Recommendation 12: That when constructing new playgrounds ensure accessibility to the playgrounds.
- Recommendation 13: That Council install a regional playground in the southern suburbs of Wagga Wagga.
- Recommendation 14: That Council install a regional playground in the northern suburbs of Wagga Wagga.
- Recommendation 15: That Council install nonverbal communication boards at all suburban and regional playgrounds.
- Recommendation 16: That Council incorporates a water play/splash park when planning the Bolton Park Masterplan.