The draft Plan of Management for the Marrambidya Wetland is a 10-year document that aims to set a clear direction regarding environmental management and the community’s needs in relation to current infrastructure, assets and potential future improvements.
The Marrambidya Wetland was created to provide a sustainable wildlife habitat and sanctuary that provides an enhanced recreational, and educational experience. It also holds significant value to the Wiradyuri community, with the Healing Place created as a place of serenity, where community members can sit, relax and reflect amongst nature.
The draft plan details how Council intends to maintain and develop the wetland for the benefit of our native wildlife, Wiradyuri culture, the community and visitors to Wagga Wagga.
After initial consultation including a community wide online survey, four main themes were developed, including:
- Maintenance – routine actions to maintain the wetlands including mowing and maintaining toilet facility, signage etc
- Infrastructure upgrades – action that require larger scale upgrades to improve the safety and usability of the site
- Enhanced usage – actions based on increasing the number of people utilising the site and the quality of their experience
- Environmental management – improving and maintaining natural habitat

The draft Marrambidya Wetland Plan of Management 2024-2034 was on public exhibition from Friday 31 May until Friday 12 July 2024. Submissions have now closed.