
The draft Lake Albert Plan of Management is a comprehensive, 10-year document, that outlines a strategic framework for the future management of the Lake Albert precinct. It serves as a guiding resource for detailed plans and policies related to the planning, design, and management of the land.

Council sought community feedback and input from key stakeholders during an extensive consultation phase. The information gathered through this consultation has been used to develop the draft Plan of Management.

Council will continue to consult with stakeholders during the public exhibition period and throughout implementation of the adopted plan.


The purpose of the Lake Albert Plan of Management is to achieve the following:

  • Manage the Lake Albert precinct cooperatively with, and for, the benefit of residents, the community and the wider region
  • Maintain and improve the amenity of the Lake Albert precinct, consistent with the established character of the area
  • Provide for sustainable visitor and tourist use and enjoyment of the Lake Albert precinct for leisure, active recreation and the hosting of major events
  • Conserve and reflect Aboriginal Cultural values in consultation with the Wiradjuri/Wiradyuri First Nations Community
  • Conserve biodiversity, maintain ecosystem functions and maintain natural landscapes
  • Permit identified user groups to operate in the Lake Albert precinct

View the draft plan

Click the icon below to view the draft plan.

Key features of the plan

The following Council policies have a direct influence on the objectives, uses and management approach covered in the Lake Albert Plan of Management:

  • Wagga View - Community Strategic Plan 2040
  • Recreation, Open Space and Community Strategy 2024
  • Wagga Wagga Integrated Transport Strategy and Implementation Plan 2040
  • Active Travel Plan – Cycling September 2016
  • Wagga Wagga Development Control Plans 2005 and 2010
  • Wagga Wagga Local Environment Plan 2010
  • Wagga Wagga City Council Biodiversity Strategy - Maldhangilanha 2020-2030
  • Innovate - Reconciliation Action Plan
  • Wagga Wagga All Abilities Inclusion Action Plan 2022-2026
  • Wagga Wagga Inland Water Safety Plan

These plans and strategies can be viewed on the Wagga Wagga City Council website.

There are a number of sites of Aboriginal Cultural Significance within the Lake Albert Precinct.

An Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Assessment Report was completed by OzArk in November 2021. The purpose of this ACHAR was to help inform future management options for the Lake Albert Draft Plan of Management.

There are two Aboriginal sites inside the study area (56-1-0676 and 56-1-0677) which are to be avoided due to the sensitivity of the areas.

Lake Albert water quality and levels have been an ongoing issue for many years.

While the Lake Albert Plan of Management does not recommend a specific solution to the Lake Albert water issue issue, it does identify options to be investigated and implemented if deemed feasible and subject to the relevant statutory approvals. These recommended soluations are:

  • The Lake Albert Pipeline project is focused on using the former Riverina Water offtake point and designing a single pipeline route to discharge into the northern end of the lake, adjacent to Marshall’s Creek.
  • Investigate the resources and processes required to remove the build-up of sediment within the Lake,
  • Investigate and implement Blue Green Algae management practices.

The Lake Albert Precinct is a significant destination and connector to important community recreational infrastructure projects, including the Active Travel Plan and Wiradjuri Trail.

Community organisations occupy the precinct under community licences and are responsible for the buildings that they have erected.

Recent works have been completed to improve amenity, facilities and to mitigate environmental issues within the Lake Albert Precinct including:

  • Boat Ramp and Car Park Upgrade
  • BMX Track maintenance
  • Installation of Solar Lighting along the Walking Track
  • Installation of Water Refill Stations along the Walking Track
  • Bosley Park Amenities Upgrade
  • Bosley Park Erosion Remediation
  • Stringybark Creek Remediation
  • Crooked Creek Remediation
  • Apex Park upgrades
  • Foreshore erosion works
  • Repair and extension of remaining boat ramps
  • Commenced removal of vegetation encroachment due to low water levels.

The draft Lake Albert Plan of Management outlines some potential future uses for the Lake Albert precinct, including, but not limited to:

  • Possible establishment of a Campground Area
  • Use of Lake Albert as a Water Refill Location for firefighting aircraft during times of bushfire
  • Widening of paths
  • Restoration of eroded areas
  • Provision of accessible pier and fishing platforms
  • Increased seating, tables and shelters
  • Temporary/event food licensing
  • Increase of event power supply
  • Provision of changerooms

Photos of Lake Albert

Community feedback

Members of the community are invited to view the draft Lake Albert Plan of Management during the public exhibition period and submit their feedback. Once the public exhibition period is complete, the submissions will be considered before the final draft is presented to Council for adoption.

Residents are encouraged to read the draft document in full prior to making a submission.

Submissions are open from Thursday 10 October 2024 until Monday 18 November 2024.