
This policy assists Council employees and the Mayor in complying with Council policy and procedures for Corporate Purchase Cards and in particular, to outline the conditions of use for the Corporate Purchase Card when purchasing goods and services for Council operations. The public exhibition period for this policy was 13 March - 9 April 2024, submissions have now closed. Any submissions received will be reviewed and the policy will be presented to Council for adoption in May 2024.


The objective of this Policy is to provide Council employees and the Mayor who are issued with a Corporate Purchase Card a clear framework to ensure the appropriate usage of the Corporate Purchase Card. It will assist in providing transparency in usage and will reduce the risk of fraud and misuse of the Corporate Purchase Cards.

Summary of Changes

The policy is deemed appropriate with no major changes proposed. The purpose of the exhibition period is to re-exhibit the policy and seek feedback from the community.

What happens next?

Following this public exhibition period, Council will receive a further report addressing any submissions made with respect to the proposed changes to the Policy and proposing adoption of the policy unless there are any recommended amendments deemed to be substantial and requiring a further public exhibition period.