
The Draft 2024/25 Budget has been formulated together with consideration of the revised Wagga Wagga Community Strategic Plan 2040 previously adopted by Council.

The following documents form part of the Draft 2024/25 Budget and will be placed on public exhibition for 28 days commencing 14 May 2024 and concluding on 10 June 2024:

  • draft Operational Plan 2024/25
  • draft Long Term Financial Plan 2024/25
  • draft Fees and Charges 2024/25

A key focus of the attached draft documents is for Council to deliver on the Community Strategic Plan 2040 vision; “In 2040 Wagga will be a thriving, innovative, connected and inclusive community on the Murrumbidgee. Rich in opportunity, choice, learning and environment. Wagga is a place where paths cross and people meet”, which is underpinned by the following strategic directions (themes):

  • Community leadership and collaboration;
  • Safe and healthy community;
  • Growing economy;
  • Community place and identity; and
  • The environment.

What we are delivering in 2024-2025

Capital works projects and programs account for over $81 million of the planned activities for the 2024/25 financial year. There are three different categories of capital works; Confirmed ($21.4M), Recurrent ($23.7M) and Pending ($35.9M).

Confirmed Capital projects refer to the new one-off projects Council will undertake during the year. Recurrent capital projects refer to the expenditure allocated on an annual basis for capital works programs. The Pending capital projects are those that are not delivery ready and so require a resolution of Council to proceed.

Below is just a sample of some of the more significant capital works projects over $1M (excluding roads) identified as “Confirmed” for the 2024/25 financial year:

  • GWMC- Construction of new Waste Cell $2,119,281
  • GWMC - Cell Extension $1,800,000
  • GWMC – Gas Capture Network Expansion & Gas Powered Evaporator $1,769,728
  • GWMC – Construction of a new Monocell $1,829,186
  • Jim Elphick Tennis Centre Upgrade $4,052,946
  • Sewer – Telemetry Hardware Upgrades $1,000,000

Roads Funding

The Capital Works Program includes budget amounts for one-off and recurrent Roads funding. For the 2024/25 financial year, there is a total allocation of $16.7M for roads, which includes one-off projects of ($5.4M) and recurrent programs of ($11.3M).

The one-off roads projects and recurrent roads program budgets allocated for 2024/25 are shown below:

  • Glenfield Road Corridor Works $71,950
  • Local Road Repair Program $2,804,143
  • Pine Gully Road Corridor Works $2,034,453
  • Red Hill Road Upgrade $78,217
  • Regional Roads Repair Program $350,000
  • Gravel Resheets $1,984,797
  • Heavy Patching Program $1,085,858
  • Pavement Rehabilitation Program $3,798,831
  • Regional Roads Supplementary Block Grant $199,000
  • Reseal Program (Renewal) $3,215,989
  • Urban Asphalt Program $999,406