
Council is seeking the community’s input on what they love about Wagga Wagga’s Botanic Gardens precinct and what they would like to see included in this popular open space into the future.

Consultation with the community, along with existing user groups and stakeholders, is the first stage in the development of a masterplan for the precinct.

Open for Submissions

Your feedback on the Botanic Gardens precinct is being sought!

The Botanic Gardens precinct is a popular destination for people of all ages and demographics, from young families to retirees, Wagga Wagga residents to tourists.

This public space is intended to be inviting for all and we want to ensure the Botanic Gardens remain a vibrant, sustainable, and functional space for future generations to enjoy.

Let us know what you like, or what you would like to see changed or improved, about the Botanic Gardens precinct.

Your thoughts and ideas will help us shape the development of a concept Masterplan for the precinct.

All feedback is welcome in this project.

Submissions can be made at the bottom of this page. Closing Friday 19 July 2024.

Map of the Botanic Gardens, showing the Museum in the west, the main parks area, the mini train station, walking paths and the playground and music bowl in the east.

Wagga Wagga Botanic Gardens, showing the scope of this engagement