
RAAF Youth Event

16 June 2022

Flying Officer James Evans from the RAAF base was joined by SMN Matt Gameau. ACWR Olivia Murray, ACW Indianna Biles, ACR Hamish Mackie, and CFN Vigor Darrington from the RAAF, Navy, and Army recruits at the Tolland Community Hub to meet with the Tolland Youth and talk about the Australian Defence Forces.

James spoke to the youth about his experiences with signing up and how it changed his life, what he does for the Airforce, and the possibilities for future careers in the Australian Defence Forces. Then, the youth asked James and the other Defence Force members questions about their service, what they have been able to experience, places that they have been able to go, and their future dreams and goals they hope to achieve in the Defence Forces.

After the discussion James and the others went out to the nearby park and threw a Boomerang around.

Everyone really enjoyed the day with the youth being engaged and asking interesting and insightful questions of the Defence Force personnel.