
November Marramarra Aboriginal Markets

7 October 2022

Saturday 19th November

3pm to 8pm

At Wollundry Lagoon.

It's going to be a spectacular night by the Wollundry lagoon with kid's activities, multiple food vendors selling great food with a native flare, live music from 3pm to 7pm and a traditional dance performance by Dinawan Connections.

We are excited to be inviting market and food vendors to complete the below stallholder form to book your spot!

Thanks to our major sponsor Aboriginal Affairs there will be no stallholder fees. This markets gold coin donation entry will go back to the Wagga Aboriginal Women's Group. Please note: With the success of our previous markets, we hope to continue in 2023. These markets may have stallholder fees.

We look forward to seeing you all again in November. Please share with your networks and make sure to share the facebook event