
National NAIDOC Awards

18 July 2022

Local Wiradjuri/Wiradyuri Elder Uncle Dr Stan Grant, Sr, was nominated at the National NAIDOC Awards for the Lifetime Achievement Award. He won the award and the announcement from NITV can be viewed on the NITV YouTube page at:

I was honoured by being invited to come along with the Grant family and friends to accompany Uncle Stan to Melbourne. Uncle Stan was accompanied by his Wife, Aunty Betty, his daughters Jo and Karla, and his Granddaughter Lowanna

A well deserved win to Uncle Stan, and I personally have had my life impacted by being able to learn Wiradjuri/Wiradyuri language from Uncle Stan's Wiradyuri Language, Culture and Heritage course at Charles Sturt University in Wagga Wagga.

Uncle Stan Grant was also interviewed by his son, Stan Grant Jr, for the ABC and this article and interview can be seen at ABC Uncle Stan Interview