
$1000 Youth Development Scholarship

19 December 2023

Investing in our Young People’s future!

If you know a student in years 10, 11, or 12 or completing an HSC equivalent course, please encourage and support them to apply for a $1000 Youth Development Scholarship.

Here's why they should seize this opportunity:

  • 📚 Reaching their Goals: The program supports students to complete their education and reach their career goals.
  • 💡 Up to 1,400 Opportunities: There are up to 1,400 scholarships available to young people living in social housing or in out-of-home care.
  • 💰 Flexible Usage: Students can put the scholarship to put toward things they need for school, This including school uniform, technology, sporting equipment or other secondary support costs like transport or medical needs.
  • 📅 Act Now: Applications are currently open until February 16, 2024. Please don’t let them miss out on this chance to secure your financial support!
  • 🏫 Eligibility: The scholarships are open to students studying in year 10 or above and who are -
    • living in public housing, including Aboriginal housing
    • on the NSW Housing Register (waitlist)
    • receiving private rental assistance from DCJ, including Rent Choice products
    • living in community housing, including Aboriginal community housing
    • living in housing provided by a Local Aboriginal Land Council
    • living in supported accommodation
    • statutory out-of-home care
    • supported out-of-home care
    • voluntary out-of-home
  • 🌟 Continual Support: Returning students who have already received a scholarship between 2017 and 2023 are eligible to receive continued funding for up to seven years to complete their education, as long as they remain living in social housing or out-of-home care.